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Terms of Program Service

These are the Terms of Service for Cat Companions

1. No Endorsement of Caretaking Ability: Cat Companions does not have the capacity or authority to endorse, confirm, or validate to any clinician or other parties that you are able to provide adequate care for a cat.

2. Behavior of Cats: Cat Companions cannot provide a guarantee that the behavior of the cat you choose to adopt will correspond with the assessments made by the shelter or foster home, which are determined to the best of their ability and resources.


Our cat consultants do not conduct personalized evaluations of individual cats. They provide insights and suggestions on cat behavior, cat care, and bonding with your cat to the best of their ability and based on the information available to them. Therefore, while they strive to offer the most effective advice, Cat Companions cannot guarantee that these recommendations will work for your specific cat.


3. No Assistance with ESA Letters: Cat Companions is not equipped or authorized to assist you in obtaining Emotional Support Animal (ESA) letters for any purpose, including but not limited to  housing. Acquiring such a letter should be pursued in consultation with a clinician with whom you have an existing and ongoing professional relationship.

4. No Involvement in ESA Letters: Cat Companions must not be included in, or associated with, any ESA letter, and we do not play any role in the clinician’s decision to issue such a letter.

 5. Role of Cat Companions: Please note that Cat Companions does not directly provide cat adoption services. Our role is solely to facilitate access to these services as offered by animal shelters and foster homes.

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